Monday, January 23, 2012

A new Ductape Fatwa tribute at Tumblr

Since someone beat me to the punch on Twitter, I thought I'd create a tribute blog for our fallen friend on Tumblr: Enemy Of The State (A Ductape Fatwa Memorial). I don't quite know what I'll do with it yet.

Who knows, maybe a few of you who are on Tumblr will be kind enough to follow it, or even better, offer to contribute. He was, after all, not only thought-provoking, but arguably a major force in bringing us together (and in whose absence we flew apart).

Friday, January 20, 2012

Obamabot vs. Thinking Person: Indefinite Detention

Video h/t Corrente

Also, via Corrente, see 2012 Obama fans shaping up to be worse than 2008's. That certainly squares with my observations on the gated community blogs and on Twitter. Their slogan really should be, "Fear and Loathing You Can Believe In."