I have been celebrating my birthday. If you mean eerily silent on BT, it was never appropriate for me to participate there in the first place, but I did it anyway, which I should not have.
I do not apologize for my opposition to US policies, or for expressing such opposition, or for anything I have said in any post to any website at any time.
I do apologize for failing to be as selective as I should have regarding which websites I visit.
When I became aware that my presence at the BT site was causing individuals, some troubled, and some common bullies, to mount vicious, replusive, and inexcusably trashy attacks on anybody who had as much as said a kind word or had a couple of paragraphs of civil conversation with me, I realized that the inappropriateness level of the site had surpassed even my over-generous level of forbearance, and I decided to discontinue visiting the site.
Since then, I have only posted once on any of the imperialist blogs, which experience provided me with a tragically bold and revolting underscore of an interesting blogosphere trend I had noted, and confirmed my conviction that my interest in The Situation, and world events in general, including my interest in reading varying opinions about them, does not justify my visiting those sorts of websites.
However, I have had the goodness to add a few more to the META-rant inspiration links section for those with an interest and high hip-boots. Please feel free to add your own "favorites." ;)
I hope no one will take it amiss that I am commenting on a previous thread by beginning a new one, however the comments page there is a bit unwieldy, I was able to load it up once, with difficulty, but my browser insurged before I could even read it all, much less comment.
I suppose I should comment on the comments. Yes, I oppose US policies. Yes, it is World War III.
Happy Birthday old fella :o)
Happy birth day, dtf!
Not sure if she let you know, but spiderleaf sent me an invite that I was unable to make work....any suggestions?
the way I do it is to click on the Blogger logo at the top left corner of the front page. Then click on the new post icon and the posting field comes up.
Happy Birthday Monsieur Ductape! How old are you now? 152? You geezer you. :)
Head over to my place and have some cheesecake.
Yo! Happy b-day, dude.
Excellent -- hope you're celebrating! Happy birthday
Happy b-day! Here's to many more!
what do grizzled old terrorists get for gifts on thier birthdays?
And I really want to know if it takes two boxes of Betty Crocker cake mix to make a cake big enough to hold all the candles need to properly enumerate a life as long as yours? ;o)
I know, I know.....Betty Crocker...file not found :o)
Happy B'day Ductape and many many more.
"Happy birthday, Mr Fatwa, Happy Birthday to you..." (I think 'Mr Fatwa' fits the tune better than 'dear Ducttape'!)
Happiest of birthdays to you!
I forgot. I ordered you some of these guys for your birthday present. ;)
You'' have to find your own Fur Bearing AT-AT though.
I received a new rug for my lair
I thought that said hair! lol
Wow. It sounds like you had a great day. Your descendants are very thoughtful. You must be proud of them.
I was wondering if the rug was blue and squishy: could Bud be on his way over to pay a visit?
Congratulations on your descendents, Madame and another year. And consider yourself virtually hugged.
the thing that makes me proudest is that every one of them places principle above material gain and not even one despises his fellow man or woman for who they are.
Happy birthday, DF!
Happiest of Birthdays Ductape!
I wasn't aware of this blog untill recently when I got an anonymous email about the name of my blog and how I'm a shit stirer. At first I thought it was just more anti-CodePink email, but I think the person knew me. I showed it to my husband and took his advice which was to delete it and not worry about it. To focus on what needs to be done instead.
But I'd like to be clear that I in no way meant to provide more fuel to the fire with the naming MY blog. I thought the name was "fun" and pretty descriptive of ME and a group I love - CodePink. I'm not exactly the church lady, mild-mannered, pacifist language type. Hell, unless it's a candlelight vigil for the fallen... I even try to make peace vigils a little boisterous and fun.
No matter what I do, even with naming a fucking blog... someone is going to find some way to attack. I no longer try to debate what I am trying to do, I just try to focus on doing whatever needs to be done, what I may or may not accomplish, or how I live. All I know at this point is that my family is the family in the Peace Movement. That war is wrong. Killing is wrong. I will not make any apologies for this stance.
At least, lately, the anti-war/peace movement is encompassing so many more from our society that I don't have to rely on just one side - many more are realizing that war is wrong and that THIS war is a complete and utter disaster and waste that should be stopped. That it is a chance for the "mighty military" to stand up.
Liberty is death
Support the troops no matter what is American
Supporting peace is terror
Welcome to a savage land of hate and fear.
Shoot. I should have posted that in another thread. Sorry!
I was going to and then I saw it was already done.
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